Wisdom: (H2451) chokmah; Root word: (H2449) chakam 'to be, become, or be made wise'
- wisdom
a. skill (in war)
b. wisom (in administration)
c. shrewdness
----------------> 1. Characterized by kieen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical.
2. Disposed to artful and cunning practices; tricky
3. Sharp; penetrating
d. wisdom, prudence (in religious affairs)
--------------> Syn: discretion, foresight, forethought, circumpspection
1. wise in handling practical matters; exercising good
judgement or common sense
2. provident
3. circumspect (heedful of circumstances and potential
- The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight
- common sense; good judgement
- The sum of learning throughout the ages; knowledge
knowledge: 1. Information and skills acquired through experience or education; the
theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
2. What is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information
Wisdom is knowledge, but knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom comes about through experiences, which bring knowledge. But not all knowledge happens by experience. Knowledge can be taught and it can be studied.
Wisdom goes deeper than knowledge.
Now, I'll say right here, this study is not meant to say knowledge is bad or make one better than the other. Just a study to understand wisdom better, because I feel like it is a vital factor God wants for our lives that gets overlooked. I know that knowledge is trivial to our growth;
Proverbs 19:2, "Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way."
And then there is also understanding. How is it different? I think that by learning what knowledge and understanding is, it will help us begin to better understand wisdom. Now, we've already discussed knowledge and how it is different than wisdom, but what about understanding? Let's start with the definition.
understanding: 1. N, the ability to understand something; comprehension
2. Adj., sympathetically aware of other people's feelings; tolerant & forgiving
understand: 1. Perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or speaker)
2. Perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of
- perceive: 1. Become aware or concious of; come to realize or understand
2. Become aware of by the use of one of the senses, esp. sight
I know I use a lot of definitions, but to know the literal meaning of a word can change your whole outlook on it. So, understanding is comprehending. It is the first step of knowledge. Let me draw you a diagram.
Okay, now I'll give an example.
Like when you learn a language. First, you learn to understand how to say the letters and small phrases, but you still don't know the whole language. But overall you begin to understand how it works and flows. Over time of using it and learning more about it, you get a pretty good knowledge of the language. But then when you go to that country, you've studied it and know the culture, you experience the culture, speaking their language fully, then you become wise in that language. You picked it up, evaluated it, studied it, and lived it.
The combination of understanding, knowledge, and really living it, produce wisdom.
God calls wisdom, "more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her." (Prov 3:15)
Why is that?
And in verse 13 of that same chapter it says that we find wisdom, but understanding is given to us. I'll let you think about and process that...
It goes on to say that wisdom gives long life, and is a tree of life to those that lay hold of her and those who hold fast to her are called blessed. When these verses talk about wisdom, I don't believe it is referring to being wise in languages, or culture, etc.; not saying that those are bad; but more of wisdom in things that are pure, are holy, and are true. The wisdom in knowing God's prescence, and knowing Him well enough to not be afraid to call Him Abba. Wisdom in trust. Trusting Him that He will lead your life when at times you may seem like nothing is adding up. Wisdom in things not of this world. Wisdom in love.
Like when I said wisdom goes deeper than knowledge, you can be taught about God and know about Him, but when you EXPERIENCE Him...
And if we all grow in wisdom of who God is and seek to be like Him more and more everday, then I know that we will begin to look and be what He desires for us. His body of children is definitely more precious than jewels. Why? Because He can and will use us to change lives. To change the world. To change tomorrow. We're God's children! It's time we act like it and take hold of that truth!
You can probably look out for a Part 2 to this soon..
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